Monday, April 12, 2010

Blog day 2

I think this is my third day with about 6 hours sleep. Anyone who really knows me will be shocked that I'm even close to functioning. *8 hours is minimum for me.

Yesterday was a great day. Not only did I get up early and run, but we also headed over to Beans and Barley for brunch. The guest speaker at our Team Challenge meet up (what was his name, again?) suggested drinking coconut water after a run to replenish the electrolytes. The funny thing was that before we left for the park that morning, I was trying to make a "box cut" on the young Thai coconut I just got from Whole Foods. Needless to say, the coconut is still sitting in my fridge. Any experts with a knife want to help out? Before we sat down to brunch I ran over to the coolers at Beans and grabbed a couple bottles of coconut water. Howie and I decided to share one, just in case we didn't like the flavor. But, ya know what? It was good. And way better for us than Gatorade and all those other drinks full of High Fructose Corn Syrup. Yuck. Then it was a veggie egg white omlette and a blueberry pancake for me and How had eggs and a bagel. Oh. And coffee. Love coffee. I'm trying to change my whole eating thang. Trying to incorporate more raw fruits and veg. Breakfast is a tough place to do that. Especially at brunch. Especially after a run. And extra especially yesterday.

After brunch we headed back home to put on the finishing touches for our Open House. Which went pretty well. But until we have an offer...... I'm not going to get too excited.
Later in the day I got a massage and facial. Not such a bad day off! Somehow I still managed to go to bed at 2am. Probably because I was setting up this blog.

The only reason I got up so early again today was the noise outside my house. Road construction. Ugh. At least it forced me to get up and get moving. I packed for our trip to LA. We are leaving on Wednesday night. My mom will stay with Otis and Cocoa. Water the plants, etc.... Otis loves it when she babysits. She's always accidently dropping food on the floor for him.
With all this extra time being awake I made a rather fancy lunch for us today. 'Twas some manner of brown rice penne, or maybe it was whole wheat- who knows, with home made pest0 and asparagus (steamed for only 1 minute, nice and crunchy).

Pesto recipe:
a LARGE bunch of fresh basil leaves
about 1/3 cup raw sunflower seeds
about 1/3 cup EVOO (extra virgin olive oil, to those that don't watch Rachel Ray)
3 cloves garlic, pressed
1 tsp Himalayan Salt
lots of freshly ground black pepper
juice of 1/2 a lemon
about 1/2- 3/4 cup of water

Put it all in a blender. I LOVEEEEEEE my Vita Mix blender. So high powered!
Pour it on veggies, pasta, what evs. No need to cook it. Serve it RAW. Delicious.

Today's fitness hasn't happened yet. The trainer's recommendation is Stretch, Strengthen or Active Recovery. My plan is to take a walk (if it's not too cold, gotta love Wisconsin in April) and there's a yoga class tonight at the JCC. I'll let ya know how it all goes.

Oh, and we just got a call from a realtor. Someone wants to see our house tomorrow. Maybe we'll have an offer before we leave for LA? That'd be cool.

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