Tuesday, May 18, 2010

long time, no write

Hello all. Yes, I realize I have been a slacker in the blogging department. Well, I wish I had a really great reason. But I don't. Does it count that I feel like I've barely been home over the last month? Or that when I have been home we've been trying to get the house ready for showings? Or that I've been at work late? Or been busy packing for the next trip? Or that I haven't been as diligent about getting the recommended daily workout in?
Well, those are my excuses. So now I need to start fresh again. The last month will not be repeated.
On a positive note, we have been busy fundraising and planning new fundraisers. Stay tuned for more info.
On a sad note, I got home from Las Vegas yesterday to news that Otis (the world's best dog) had been taken to the Doggie ER because he had ingested ibuprofen. He will hopefully be coming home tonight. We visited him yesterday right after I flew back in. He has a cone on his poor little head and an IV in his leg. Unfortunately he gets all worked up after visitors leave and has to get a little sedative to calm him down. :( I feel so bad for him. But like I said, he should be coming home tonight. Cross your fingers.

New beginnings for everyone!

Here's to a new beginning!